Canon Ef 85mm 12 L Ii Usm Review

Canon EF 85mm f/i.2L II USM

Honey at first sight

Estimated reading fourth dimension: 07 minutes.

August/2014 - Sometimes the "expression tool" is then powerful that it gets hard not to notice information technology. This is the case with the Catechism EF 85mm f/ane.2L USM Ii. Given the 85mm specification with a f/1.2 aperture, it'south alone on the market every bit the merely 85mm f/ane.2 AF always. While several brands produce equivalent f/1.8s and some dare a f/one.4, Canon went heads on and created the f/1.2: half a stop faster; fifty% more than lite; fifty% more drinking glass. Totally exotic. It's a curious glass ball that renders a completely new world through the viewfinder, totally blurred. It took me two days to convince myself to purchase, and a few weeks to master it's shallow depth of field. But is it for anybody?


Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

At 1025g of metal and glass at nine.1 x 8.3 cm, the EF 85mm f/i.2L II USM is a pig on Canon's line up. Jokes aside, this lens build is impressive. Past having just metal and glass in such a small infinite, nothing is out of identify. It is relatively meaty, without excesses; lets say, elementary. No congenital-in hood or tripod collar. Its shape is 100% cylindrical and therefore the only on/off switch controls the USM system, recessed in the body; besides as the MF ring that is the same thickness of the remaining lens. Exercise non let information technology "sideways" on the table considering it will roll and fall on the ground.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

The only 2 controls (button and ring) are office of the unique mechanical "feature" of the 85mm f/1.2L: its autofocus. Easier said than washed, marketed and mounted on the camera. Merely information technology is exactly what involved about of the design decisions, and the corking "feat of engineering science" that puts the "exotic" adjective very close to this lens. First, is as well much drinking glass to be operated manually, and it all revolves around a ring type USM. Therefore the MF ring operates "fly past wire", with no mechanical coupling between the two. This is good and bad for the same reason: the ring is super easy and low-cal to use. Adept because information technology is light, any impact of your fingers and information technology spins.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

Second, "AF 85mm f/1.ii" is a devil's idea. The depth of field is very brusque and requires an unusual precision. So the AF/MF rotation is long, most 270 degrees from the minimum focusing distance (0.95m) to infinity. In comparison, the AF-Southward Nikkor 85mm f/1.4G has the aforementioned MFD merely turns in only 45 degrees! For this reason the Canon EF is super slow (nigh 2 seconds from inf. to MFD) compared to the Nikon (less than half a second). It doesn't carp much around the street, portraits and on everyday jobs. But also does non back up sports and fast-paced journalism.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Nikon AF-S Nikkor 85mm f/1.4G

Third, at least information technology's absolutely accurate and quiet. One of these 270 degrees surely volition exist the distance you demand, and Canon has managed to maintain the same minimum focus than the competition. The front end ø72mm filters don't rotate but the inner tube expands almost ane″ at MFD. But you can't encounter information technology if you are shooting with the hood that hides everything inside, and it barely sits effectually the MF ring; bad design choice. Some people employ the hood as "protection", merely hither I remember it really puts the focus ring at jeopardy: if it bumps, the pressure goes to the AF machinery.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

At the rear the metal mount and glass pieces are extremely close. I've never seen a lens like this and have intendance when mounting. Any abandon and you can scratch it. It is so large that you can encounter the bearings that mount the glass inside! And the pattern is simple with just eight elements in seven groups, some with aspherical designs and Super Spectra coating (to reduce flaring). Unfortunately it does not take weather condition sealing and some dust plant its way inside mine. One mean solar day I freaked out and tried to open it. I Blew the EF mount screws in the procedure. Do non tell anyone.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

In short, it'south a totally unlike lens than all I have on my kit because it is big and heavy, only super simple, with smoothen functioning. Sometimes I wish information technology was smaller in order to use it more; it's hard to get information technology out of the business firm. But if it was smaller it would exist f/one.4, and I already take the Nikon AF-Due south 85mm f/ane.4G. Finally I would like to comment on a detail nearly the usability of the f/1.2. The depth of field in this focal length (85mm) is very short and requires technique and do to attain the best results. In minimum focus altitude (0.95cm) you have only 8mm of depth of field, and you can guess how hard it is to achieve perfect focus in almost photos.


Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Cafe" at f/one.2 1/80 ISO400.

With 8 elements in seven groups, one precision aspherical slice and floating groups, the EF 85mm f / ane.2L Two USM is what we phone call a" specialty lens", every bit it caters exclusively who needs the effulgence and unique depth of field. You lot shouldn't purchase it to use at f/1.4, f/1.8, f/2 … Other lenses make more than sense for f/1.4 with better automobile focus speed. Then it was Catechism's obligation to deliver the best quality wide open: absolutely flawless resolution and dissimilarity from f/ane.two. And it does. Some optical flaws are inherent to the larger discontinuity, only is all part of this lens personality. Photos with 5D Mark II.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Yūrakuchō" at f/1.2 i/320 ISO320.

100% crop, detalhes impecáveis em abertura máxima.

100% crop, impeccable details wide open.

Aye, some chronic large aperture lenses issues are present, particularly the chromatic abnormality. Both axial and lateral are piece of cake to run into on most photos. Those colourful edges that did not exist in reality and are visible in high-resolution digital files (they are less noticeable on motion-picture show). But that can be fixed in software and in my opinion practise not really touch on this lens appeal. Even the Leica 50mm f/0.95 Noctilux-1000 suffers with heavy CAs. Information technology is inherent of extreme designs.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Sras." at f/1.4 i/320 ISO100. Recipe for disaster: shooting wide open up with lots of light.

100% crop, CA lateral grosseiro em áreas de contraste, como elementos tridimensionais que não ficam no mesmo plano.

100% ingather, strong lateral CA on dissimilarity areas, specially tridimensional subjects that are not flat on the focal plane.

100% crop, CA axial fortíssimo no bokeh em áreas de contraste.

100% crop, strong axial CA on the bokeh.

Also if the focus is not admittedly spot on we can run across some blooming on contrast areas. The prototype has a dreamesque appearance and hinders the details on the very brusk focal aeroplane. But that's the thing: many buy this lens considering of this characteristic, and it is not a counter argument. Anyhow, simply accurately adjust the focus. What is not in the depth of field will be blurred anyway.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Bosatsu" at f/1.2 one/2000 ISO100. Very brusk depth of field under any situation.

100% crop, blooming acontece em elementos fora do plano focal.

100% crop, blooming happens outside the focal plane.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Tōshō-gū" at f/1.2 one/500 ISO100.

100% crop, perfeição somente no que estiver precisamente no plano focal.

100% crop, perfection only on what's precisely in the focal plane.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Bike" at f/one.2 1/125 ISO400; but all these flaws are gone under skillful lighting, and some images are unique to this lens.

100% crop resolução impecável totalmente aberta.

100% crop, impeccable resolution wide open.

The wide open headline is the resolution, which remains intact from edge to edge of the frame. It's really impressive and I have no f/ane.x lens that behaves this way. It is platonic for working with astrophotography, or work under low light. Information technology's a unique wait that but this lens delivery. Stopping down to f/2 the resolution increases to excellence in whatsoever state of affairs. This lens is a highlight on the Canon'due south Fifty series because it differentiates the files in this regard. If you work with prints and fashion, surely the EF 85mm f/1.2L Two USM has a "darling" status on your kit. I saw similar results only from the EF 135mm f/2L USM or the larger, super white telephoto US$4999+ primes.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Árvore" at f/one.2 ane/1000 ISO100.

100% crop, resolução absurda at f/1.2! O_o A profundidade de campo é curtíssima.

100% crop, absurd resolution at f/ane.2! O_o The depth of field is very shallow.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Jizo" at f/i.ii 1/640 ISO100.

100% crop, note como a profundidade é minúscula e tudo parece fora de foco, mas resolução está lá.

100% crop, notice how the depth of field is minuscule and everything seems out of focus. Merely the resolution is in that location.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Cycle 2" at f/one.2 1/400 ISO400.

100% crop, dá pra ver as fibras do papel at f/1.2.

100% crop, you tin see the paper fibers at f/1.2.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Buddha" at f/i.8 i/500 ISO100; stopping downwards the sharpness improves.

100% crop. parte do blooming já vai embora at f/1.8

100% crop, blooming is partially gone at f/ane.8.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Incenso" at f/2.2 one/8000 ISO100; get your ND filters if you plan to shoot wide open up nether as well much light.

100% crop, resolução é espetacular mesmo com a profundidade de campo curtíssima.

100% crop, the resolution is spectacular even with the shallow depth of field.

Colours are very of import on the 50 series, and the saturation is high directly from the camera. Y'all don't have to button the sliders that far on Adobe'south Camera Raw for excellent results. And the bokeh is simply the best from Canon, and I might suggest it's best on the market. The colours on the background are blended on a colourful, smooth effect, eliminating whatsoever distraction from your bailiwick. The dissimilarity pops with the buttery smooth shadows and light turns any element on a fancy composition. Sometimes it'southward then cute I shoot just that, with no sharp subject. The optical formula is optimised for that, not for chromatic aberration corrections.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Leafage" at f/1.2 one/640 ISO100; saturated colours wide open. This file got a mere +15 saturation on Adobe Camera Raw.

100% crop, resolução impecável e um pouquinho de blooming.

100% crop, impeccable resolution and some blooming.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Dojo" at f/1.4 1/250 ISO100.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Buddha 2" at f/1.2 1/6400 ISO100.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Tela" at f/1.2 i/100 ISO400; focus on your subject and nada else.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Pure" at f/i.ii i/80 ISO100; background is smooth, with no repetitive lines.

100% crop, resolução absurda.

100% ingather, absurd resolution.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM

"Taxi" at f/i.2 1/100 ISO100; everyday objects become new meanings isolated from the groundwork.


The EF 85mm f/i.2L Two USM is addictive and I am victim. I haven't mentioned all the same, but it was my starting time 50 series prime. Why, oh, why?! It was because of "her" that I started my Canon gear addiction, and information technology is even partially responsible for the existence of blog practice zack. I wouldn't have bought another "L" lens if it wasn't for the 85mm "commencement impressions" performance. You lot've read on my Patreon that I'yard "addicted to images", and the 85mm f/1.2L II is the culmination of all this: cutting-edge images and equipment. You lot either have it or you don't. I recommend that yous do. Nice shooting!

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